Dances are for 5th-8th graders from the surrounding communities who want to get together with their friends and have a fun night out! Dances feature a DJ, giveaways, and concessions. Each dance has a designated age range-so be on the lookout for your dances this year!

Important Dance Information
- Pre-registration is required for all participants!
- Registration at the door is not permitted.
- Dances are typically outside, weather permitting.
- We only accept registration forms from parents/guardians. Parents will not be allowed to register participants that are not in their household. Individuals carpooling must all be registered. Those who are not pre-registered will be turned away and it will be the responsibility of the adult dropping off to supervise them.
- Pre-registration is required for the following reasons:
- To provide an environment that is safe, manageable, and fun.
- To allow staff the ability to pre-plan effectively for the event.
- To provide staff with an accurate list of those attending and who to contact should an emergency arise.
Dance Rules
- Individuals using the restrooms should be prompt and will otherwise be escorted back to the dance area. Participants will not be able to linger indoors more than necessary.
- Appropriate attire is required (school dress code). This includes but is not limited to: no visible bra straps, skirts must be no shorter than the tips of fingers with arms at the side, shorts that are too short, and inappropriate words/symbols/pictures on any article of clothing.
- No Weapons Allowed.
- Violence of any kind is not tolerated and is subject to immediate dismissal
- No rough-housing
- No running in the dance area, concession area, and indoors.
- No foul language
- Please keep dancing appropriate, no grinding, twerking, and/or violent dancing.
Children who do not follow rules may be removed from the dance pending parent pick-up. Parents must be accessible via phone during the event.

How It Works
- Drop-off and pick-up zones are based on the DRIVER'S LAST NAME (NOT THE PARTICIPANTS). We realize many people carpool, so that is why we use the driver's last name rather than the participant's.
- Driver's with a last name beginning with the letters A - K will drop off and pick up at the REC Center main entrance (red route).
- Driver's with a last name beginning with the letters L - Z will drop off and pick up at the Stingray Bay Baseball Field Parking Lot, southwest of the REC Center (blue route).
- Dropping off and picking up participants may only occur in the designated drop off and pick up zones. For everyone's safety, we will not allow participants to get in or out of vehicles further back in line, that are not within the designated drop off and pick up zones.
- We ask for your patience when dropping off and picking up. Dances typically have 350 participants in attendance, and we want everyone to be able to go home safely. Please do not cut in line or pull ahead of any other vehicles.
Drop Off & Check-In
- Please pull your vehicle forward all the way into your designated drop-off zone in order for staff to keep the line moving as quickly as possible.
- A staff member wearing a highlight yellow shirt or vest will check in your participant. Please follow staff directions when dropping off and do not leave until the participant(s) are checked in.
- Participants that are not registered at the time of check-in will NOT be allowed into the dance. Only those registered and get checked in by staff may enter. Registration will NOT be taken at check-in.
- Parents are not permitted to enter past the check-in point.
Pick Up
- It is very important that the participants attending know the last name of the driver picking them up at the end of the night, because we will be sending them to their designated zone based on that information
- Children are not released until 9:00p. Any emergency pickups that need to be done prior, a parent must park and speak to staff.
- After 9:00p – All pick-up will be done curbside in their designated zone. Line up in your designated zone and participants will be escorted and supervised to the pick up location.
- Similar to drop-off, cars will move in a continuous loop through the lot. Please do not block traffic or park in this loop.
- In the event that weather becomes inclement during an outdoor Dance, children will be moved into the gymnasium and surrounding hallways to shelter in place. The dance will be canceled or temporarily suspended depending upon weather conditions.
- Should the dance be canceled, parents should be prepared to pick up immediately.
- Every reasonable attempt will be made to make a decision about the weather before the event to avoid confusion.
- Should the status of the event change due to weather we will communicate this in two ways. 1) Via email to all pre-registered guests and 2) via Rainout Line.