Camp Registration is ongoing. Registration can be done online or in-person during regular business hours.
- Online registration will be the most-effective way, and the only “real time” way to register for camp.
- Fax and email registrations will be accepted but please understand it takes staff time to retrieve these and manually enter these. Staff will be on duty to answer phone calls the first two days of registration so depending upon the volume of calls, emails and fax registrations will not get checked immediately. This may create a situation where online registrations are coming in and fill a program. Transactions will be processed as quickly as possible. Online registration is real-time.
- You can fax to (847) 669-2836. You can email to
- To download the registration form in order to email you can download those forms HERE.

- Please try to login HERE and if you are having trouble or can't remember your login credentials please contact our office at 847-669-3180 x 1 or email us at and we can send this information to you.
Please note, if you have done any business, in-person or online, with the Huntley Park District since 2016 you have an account. Please do not request to create a new account as this will slow down and complicate the registration process and may delay your registration. Please contact us for your login information.
Registration is ongoing and closes two weeks prior to the start of each camp week, or when camps become full.
Registration must be done online, by fax, or by email.
Children will be registered according to the grade they will enter in this Fall.
There is a $50 non-refundable deposit per session, per child, due at time of registration. (The $50 will be used towards the balance due on each session.)
The payment of the remaining balance will be charged on your credit card, debit card, or ACH account on the Tuesday before each camp session begins. A valid credit card or ACH must be on file in case you do not pre-pay on-time.
Unless paying IN FULL, all camp registrations REQUIRE an automatic payment method on file. If you wish to pay by check or cash, you still must have a valid automatic payment method on file, but you can pre-pay in person at the Huntley Park District before the Tuesday before camp starts.
If you wish to pre-pay for the camp you may do so at our main office before the automatic payment hits the Tuesday before each camp session begins.
Any payments that are declined or returned may be assessed a $25 fee.
All cancellations must be using our online form or in-person at the Registration Office. No verbal cancellations will be accepted. Refunds will only be given to those cancellations made at least 2 weeks prior to the session start date. (Camp fee minus $50 deposit = refund)
Campers will NOT be allowed to attend the first day of camp if camp payments are not current.
No refunds will be issued after the start of each camp session unless accompanied by a doctor's note.
We are unable to prorate fees for days missed.
Once registered for camp you will receive an email from ePact. ePact is a system that is used to collect important information on each camper including medical needs, other special accommodation requests, authorized individuals to pick up your child and other important emergency contact information.