The Huntley Park District complies with the standards set by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests made under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to review or obtain copies of public records held by Huntley Park District will be processed as quickly as possible. FOIA Requests may be submitted by email, mail, fax, in-person, or online.

Submit by mail, fax or drop-off

All information below is required to process your FOIA Freedom of Information Request

After a FOIA Request submission is received, the Chief FOIA Officer or a Deputy FOIA officer will respond within five (5) business days with the requested materials unless a request is denied or an extension is required. If a request is denied, partially denied or an extension is required, the requesting party will be notified in writing. If a request is denied, there is an appeals process. Please be sure to retain a copy of your request, if you need to file a review, you will need to submit a copy of your request.
You may opt to inspect original documents at the Huntley Park District’s Administrative Office at 12015 Mill Street or you may request copies. Freedom of Information requests are accepted by personal delivery, mail, email or oral request to the Huntley Park District Administrative Office, 12015 Mill Street, Huntley, Illinois 60142, and the Freedom of Information Officers.
The Freedom of Information Officer will make a response to the requesting party within five working days of receipt, unless an extended time period is required. Requests will be responded to, in writing, by a Freedom of Information Officer and available for pick up at the Administrative Office. There is a $0.15 charge for each copy made over 50 pages. Cost for certifying a record will be $1.00.
Public Records: This is a list of commonly requested documents; it is not to be construed as exhaustive or limiting.
- Accident Reports
- Audit Reports
- Approved Board Minutes
- Bids for Equipment or Services
- Cancelled Checks
- Bank Statements
- Deposit Slips
- Cash Receipts Control
- Comprehensive Master Plan
- District Goals and Objectives
- Employee Manuals
- Intergovernmental Agreements
- Meeting Notes of Advisory Committees
- Ordinances
- Plats of Survey for Parks Program Brochures
- Safety Manuals
- Application for Use of Park District Facilities/Equipment
- Annual Treasurer’s Report
- Approved Committee Meeting Minutes
- Board and Committee Meeting Reports
- Cash Records
- Check Stubs and Copies of Contracts for Construction Projects
- District Mission and Vision Statement
- General Ledger and Journals
- Insurance Policies
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Paid Bills and Invoices Policies
- Resolutions
- Vendor Files
- Time Sheets
Please note:
- The public has a right to information produced by their government with certain privacy limitations (5ILCS 140/1).
- When you submit a FOIA request, your information becomes public record and your request may be posted online.
Requests should be directed to:
Scott Crowe
Chief FOIA Officer
Huntley Park District
12015 Mill Street, Huntley, IL 60142
Phone: (847) 669-5463
Fax: (847) 669-2836
E-mail our FOIA Officers
The following information is available for viewing online, a FOIA Request form is not required to access this information.