Saturday, August 26, 2023
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Tomaso Sports Park
Remember playing kickball on the school yard, well put a cup in your hand with a drink (doesn't have to be alcoholic) and now the game is even more fun!
Cup-in-Hand Kickball Rules

Come join us for our inaugural Cup-In-Hand Kickball tournament. Remember playing kickball on the school yard, well put a cup in your hand with a drink (doesn't have to be alcoholic) and now the game is even more fun! Get your coed team of 10 players (minimum 4 females) and register for this fun 1-day tournament. You may also sign-up as an individual player and we will create teams if we get enough individual registrations. Tournament format will be determined by the final count of teams registered. You can expect to play at least 3 games with your team. Registration deadline is 8/14.