Employee Highlight - Maddie Latella

June 1, 2024 01:00 AM

Maddie Latella

Woodstock, IL
What is your job at the Park District?
Day Camp Group Leader & Beyond the Bell Supervisor
How long have you worked for the Park District?
7 years
What is your favorite part about working at the Park District?Hanging out with my buddies and pals! Being able to have fun and make memories with the kids!

What is something interesting about you that most people do not know?
I have 8 siblings and I'm a black belt!

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I like painting and going to concerts, mostly to see Pitbull!
What is your favorite book/movie/tv show of all time?
Movie - Jurassic Park
TV Show - Supernatural
Book - Percy Jackson
Quote from Maddie's Supervisor:                                                               

"Maddie is the definition of team player, she ensures every program she is a part of reaches its full potential. And has created countless memories with both kids and staff. The leadership she displays is unmatched! I am so proud she is a part of the HPD team!"
-Erin Upshaw, Youth Recreation Manager

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