Huntley Park District Announcement

In our continued efforts to listen to our community, the Huntley Park District has commissioned an independent research firm to send out a survey to randomly selected residents. You may have received this survey invitation via email, a postcard or a printed survey. Responses to the survey will help the Park District leadership determine future plans.

We have received a few inquiries about the Personal Identification Number (PIN) and some of the demographic questions. We want to assure everyone that the PIN is only known to you and the survey company and is used to make sure that individuals complete the survey only one time. Additionally, answering the question regarding political party affiliation (republican, democrat, independent) is not required. The information is used to ensure that the survey results are an accurate representation of Huntley’s community demographics (age range, ethnicity, neighborhood, gender and political affiliation).

At no time are names, personal identifiers or specific individual responses ever conveyed to the Park District.

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